Zombie Island is a 1998 direct-to-video animated comedy horror film based on Hanna-Barbera’s Scooby-Doo Saturday-morning cartoons. In the film, Shaggy, Scooby, Fred, Velma, and Daphne reunite after a year-long hiatus from Mystery, Inc. to investigate a bayou island said to be haunted by the ghost of the pirate Morgan Moonscar. The film was directed by Jim Stenstrum, from a screenplay by Glenn Leopold.

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Boss is around the corner and you have no idea what to do then we must tell you “Birthday” of your Boss is the perfect day to express gratitude and tell him/her how amazing he/she is and what role they have played in grooming you. Picking a birthday wish is not easy, even if your Boss is the best Boss in the world.

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Jumbo also known as Jumbo the Elephant and Jumbo the Circus Elephant, was a 19th-century male African bush elephant born in Sudan. Jumbo was exported to Jardin des Plantes, a zoo in Paris, and then transferred in 1865 to London Zoo in England. Despite public protest, Jumbo was sold to P. T. Barnum, who took him to the United States for exhibition in March 1882.

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A shadow is a dark (real image) area where light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object. It occupies all of the three-dimensional volume behind an object with light in front of it. A shadow is a dark (real image) area where light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object.

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The Lions have famously acquired the title of ‘King of the Jungle’. However, the title is a little misleading as lions don’t actually live in jungles (and as we found out earlier, they don’t have kings!). Their habits include scrubland, grasslands, savannahs and rocky hills, but not jungles.

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